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Dettifoss & Asbyrgi

Islandia, Ásbyrgi
Przejechano 3258 km
There was some time to spend. Where to go? To see Dettifoss and Selfoss, of course! Therefore we headed to Asbyrgi which is only 65km away from Husavik but the road condition is very good. Asbyrgi is not even a town, it's just a gas station and a campsite (or maybe I didn't see the whole Asbyrgi?). The campsite is located beautifully between two cliffs. I don't know if cliff is a good word because there's no see nor a river, it's just a kind of canyon without a river. It's very green though and campsite keepers must have seeded a lot of trees here. If you're looking for a place to stay near Husavik, go there. The price for camping is 800 Ikr/person and 5-minute shower costs 300 Ikr. You can easily find a place for a tent amongst the trees that will protect you from the wind. At the gas station there's a restaurant and a shop. If you don't have anything for an evening meal, you can go there, it's quite cheap: 1500-2000 Ikr for a dish. Nothing special though, just french fries + some meat or fish. There was a French guy lost in this nowhere-land, asking people if they would go to Husavik or Myvatn tonight. We said we could give him a few-kilometer lift but apparently there was no place for him to stay within that range so he just started to walk towards Husavik, hoping for some car to stop (it was 10p.m., I hope he found someone!).

Let me go 3 hours back. The road to Dettifoss (I mean the 864, a receptionists at the camping said the other one was harder, only for 4WD cars) is gravel but accessible for most cars. When it's sunny you get magnificent views of the road ahead (we were lucky and even though all the day it rained, for Dettifoss the weather decided to change). The first waterfall on your way is Hafragilsfoss. After seeing Gulfoss it's "just an ordinary waterfall in Iceland", but you get a nice view on the Jokulsa a Fjollum canyon. After a few kilometers you reach Dettifoss parking, but you have to walk a few minutes to see the falls. I was overwhelmed by this mass of water falling rapidly for over 40 meters. It's far more powerfull than Gulfoss and it's not spoiled by crowds of tourists (at least not at this time of the day). You'll see photos soon but I'm afraid they'll tell you only a bit of Detifoss' glory. A 30 minutes walk will take you to another falls: Selfoss. It's completely different from Dettifoss: it's not as high (only 10m or so) but it's very, very wide (more than 100 meters). I recommend taking the same route as us because if you drive on the other side of the river you won't get such a good view of Selfoss. On the other hand, the receptionists said there are more trails to start and more natural wonders to see from F862. Therefore, if you have more than 2-3 hours to see the canyon, take the F route. But no matter what, see Dettifoss and Selfoss at least, you won't regret it!
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Adam K
zwiedził 2.5% świata (5 państw)
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